Monday, January 8, 2018

WHS Staff News - Week of 1/8/18

Well last week was an interesting way to start the new year! I hope everyone is dealing with this COLD weather the best they can. The forecast is looking better for this week. I know parts of the building are colder then others but the heat is on max. All I can say is dress warm and bring layers.  Best I can do. 

Mid-Year Conferences - 1/19 - 1/26

Format for Conferences

"I strongly believe it’s important to give people a chance to TALK, and we need to LISTEN"

With that statement out there, for this year’s Mid-Year conferences, we are going to structure them with the focus on listening (both sides).  The format will be a 20 minute conversation and we are going to stay on task and on time.

Teacher part (10 minutes/2 minutes per topic)
Be prepared to talk about …. Unit Plans, New Schedule, Time to Brag, Goals, Changes/Areas to work on in 18

Admin part (10 minutes)
We will share … What we have seen and what we want to see moving forward
*Any areas of major concern we will reference the Marshall Rubric so there are no surprises in May

Mid-Year Conference Schedule (Department/Teacher/Day)
*If you have a conflict with the date/time I assigned you please let me know.

End of 2nd Marking Period
When finalizing your grades for 2nd marking period, please note I am limiting the use of INC for all grade levels but specifically on seniors. Any INC must be approved by me or Mr. Clancy prior to the end of the marking period. Share this with your students and layout the rest of the marking period so we have no issues at the end of the month.
Two main reason for this, guidance needs to send out mid-year grades for seniors and accountability/responsibility for students.

Semester Courses 
Semester 2, starts on Monday, January 29. Starting planning for 2nd semester courses.  Unit 1 needs to be ready to go before 1/29.  As you wrap up the 1st semester courses, consider collecting feedback on the course and gather student input. 

Important Dates 

January Dates
1/15 - No School MLK
1/17 - Learning & Collaborating Time 
1/22 - Minimum Day / Professional Development 
1/26 - Marking Period 2 Ends 

*1/26 - 1/28 St. Luke's Youth Group Retreat 
FYI - The Saint Luke's Youth group Retreat is scheduled for Friday (1/26), Saturday (1/27) & Sunday (28).  A good amount of our students participate in this event and are not around all weekend. It's the end of the marking period so the timing is not that bad but keep this in mind when assigning end of marking deadlines, long term assignments or homework that weekend. 

Tweets/Blog Posts

December Students of the Month

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