Tuesday, November 16, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 11/15/21

Mind Set Check-in
I used this form last year and it gave me some great insight into how everyone is feeling and handling the stress of the job. I wanted to check in with everyone as we get going with the 2nd marking period.

Me Looking in the Mirror 
This year has not been as smooth as things have been pre-COVID when it comes to student behavior and the types of issues we have been dealing with. We are not alone in seeing a spike in behavioral issues. This is a common theme around the county but it doesn't mean I like it or want to except it.  The majority of our students are still doing the right things, but a handful of students need some extra TLC and beyond. Mike and I met with the ScIP Committee on Monday and we brain stormed some ideas to help improve student behavior, which I will work on and roll out over the next few weeks. 

Duty Assignment Adjustments
Please review the tab for Duties as I made some changes related to location and responsibilities. No periods have changed just what your duty is. 
As a reminder, the teachers that have locker-room duty should be in the locker-room for the beginning and end of the period.  The middle of the period location is listed on the tab. 

The focus of the hall duty teachers:
First, monitor the bathrooms in your area. I will be posting a QR Code on the bathroom doors for students to check in (Like last year).  Each student is required to use the QR Code or you can submit the form for them if they don't have their phone.  I will share the sheet and form for the bathroom check-in with all duty teachers (This is what we did last year).
Second, get kids back to class as soon as possible.  If you see the same kids in the halls everyday, get their name and share it with Mike or I.  

Semester Assessments
With the changes we made for Semester Assessments, here is the draft of the what the 2nd Semester Assessment schedule would look like.  Feedback welcome. 
2nd Semester Assessment Schedule

As of Friday, Student now have access to their lockers. If a student has an issue with the locker, there is a QR code in the office for them to scan and report what their issue is.

Monday, November 8, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 11/8/21

I hope everyone enjoyed the four day weekend.  Time off is good for everyone! 

The first marking period is in the rear view mirror and we are moving forward. As we start the second marking period, please check in with your students to see how they are adjusting and give them a chance to share how things are going for them. You can hold one-on-one conversations or use a Google Form with a few questions.

Also, consider using the Focus 9 list to turn it back on students for them to self-reflect on their own effort.  Use the list to help get students refocused who are not fully engaged.

As grades are finalized I will be reviewing the failure list with the counselors and having one-on-one conversations with certain students. Team effort!

Please make sure you have your grades finalized by Wednesday, 11/10, at 9am. 

Semester Assessments
Based on the feedback from the DLC meetings, we are going to make an adjust and eliminate the 1st semester assessment; however, we will keep the 2nd semester exam with a modified schedule. We will run the old final exam schedule with two tests per day during the last few days of school. We have time to determine what those tests will look like, but they will not encompass a full year of material. 
The grading scale will need to be adjusted for this change.  Each marking period will now be 23% of the final grade with the 2nd semester exam accounting for 8% of the final average. 

I think this move is what's best for the students based on the how this school year is going. Thank you for the input on this topic.  I will be putting together a blog post for the students and parents. 

Monthly Calendar 

Fall Sports - Post Season Run

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 10/18/21

I hope last week's staff meeting was informative and gave you some insight into how students are feeling and what they are dealing with.  Thank you Kim and Liz for presenting. Resources from the meeting:  
Pronoun Doc

First round of testing is over!!! Thank you for all of your help and cooperation. 

Students working in the hallways during class time 
I love seeing students working in the halls, courtyard and some of our outside spaces. 
What I don't love is seeing students in the halls who should be working on class work playing on their phones, talking with passing students and disturbing other classes. 
When you have students working in the halls, my expectations are:
  • Monitor the students by walking around and checking on the groups 
  • Give clear expectations on what needs to be completed in the time they are outside of the room
  • Set guidelines for phone usage 
  • Be sure students understand not to bother other classes 

Moving forward, as administrators walk around during class time, the following will take place:  students who are off task, playing on their phones, or disturbing other teachers will be walked back to their teacher/room.  If certain students can't handle the freedom to work independently, then they will not be allowed to work in the hallways. 

Last Call for PDP's
On Friday afternoon I will be going into Genesis and signing off on all PDP's. Please make sure you have entered your goals and the school goal.

PDP info was shared in a previous Source Post. Link to post

Budget Item
Anyone who is interested in purchasing Big Ticket items for the 22-23 school year (digital resources, single large items over $100, furniture or program needs items not normally purchased through Ed-Data yearly from School Specialty/Staples etc.) needs to fill out the document below, attach a quote and send to their Building Principal by Thursday, October 28, at 8am. As it says in the form, submitting a request does not guarantee purchase.
Link: HS Big Ticket Items

Senior Picture on the Hill
The senior picture is scheduled for Friday, 10/22 at 2:15.  Seniors should report to their Period 6 class for attendance. At 2:15 please walk your students down to the turf.  Seniors will be dismissed from the field, so they should bring everything with them. 

Looking Ahead 
Monday, 10/25 - Picture Retake Day
Friday, 10/29 - Halloween Costume Day 
MP 1 Grading Information -  Email from Ms. Cassidy 

Monday, October 11, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 10/11/21

Keep doing what you are doing! Focus on the students in front of you each period and give them your best.  Control what you can control!!! 

We are not alone. I talk to other Principals all the time, as I'm sure you talk with teacher friends from other districts. This year has been hard for everyone when it comes to behavior, student conflicts, HIB, TikTok Challenges, you name it, schools have been dealing with it.  We even had two streakers at a Football Game this year. Yep! Crazy!  It's obvious the transition back to "Normal" has been harder for a handful of students; however, there is so much good going on that we need to focus on that. The smiles and excitement on Friday during the spirit rally was great to see. Keep students engaged in your classes, talk with them, make the learning meaningful and continue to build those relationships.  I know the days are long, but the weeks are flying and before we know it, the December holiday break will be here. 
When you need a moment take it. When you need to vent, let it out! Your students need you at your best and that takes you being in the right mindset. I'm here for you! 

Start Strong Testing 10/12 - 10/15
See previous emails with Strong Info and Schedule 

PSAT - 11th Grade (10/13/21)
All classes will meet as normal with the exception of Junior level courses. Juniors will take the PSAT in the Cafeteria and the Media Center.  10/13 is a Day 1. Modified schedule is on the calendar. 

Working Wednesday 
We will meet as a staff on Wednesday 10/13 in the Little Theater

Looking Ahead
Friday, 10/22, at 2:15pm Senior Class Picture on the Hill 

Monday, September 27, 2021

WHS Staff News - Weekd of 9/27/21

I hope everyone is enjoying this early fall weather on the weekends. Get outside and enjoy it! Last week I randomly stopped in classrooms doing mask checks and asking kids to mask up. The more consistent we all are, the easier it will be. I will continue to pop in and remind students throughout the day. 
Starting today, Juniors are allowed to leave campus for lunch if they want to, which will help with the crowding in the hallways during lunch time. We did this last year and it helped with the amount of students in the building during the common lunch.

Back-to-School Night 
All updated videos should be on the BTSN Doc by 3pm tomorrow. I need to build the site for the parents. 

21-22 PDP's 
I know during last weeks DLC time, departments were starting to talk about their goals for the year.  Here are a few things related to PDP's:

Please enter into Genesis by 10/22. If you have them done, don't wait. 

For PDP's ... 3 goals total are needed.
  • School Goal
  • Department Goal
  • Department Goal or Personal Goal
*Crossover staff can replace a department goal with the MS school goal. You only need to have 3 goals total.

If any department wants to do two goals, that's fine. That department members will not have a personal goal. 

For the HS, we are going back to the 19-20 goal, which we never really had a chance to finish. "Back to the Future"

School Goal
The school goal for the 21-22 school year will focus on implementing DLC’s (Department Learning Communities). There will be a focus on communication, collaboration, and Critical Thinking/Problem Solving.

Teachers will focus on:
Come to meetings prepared and ready to actively participate
Remain focused on the topic at hand and on student learning
Invite group members to pursue their best thinking
Are conscious of their impact on the group

Inclusive Environment @ WHS

This year, as we experience the return to full time live learning, you may have already encountered situations in which students have requested to be addressed with a name other than their legally documented name. As an inclusive and safe space, our hope is to make all students feel comfortable, safe and free to express who they are. Please feel free to ask students how they would like to be addressed, both by you, individually, and in the classroom setting. We can look at this in the same manner as we have with any nickname. Many times students have nicknames or shortened versions of their names. When possible, we will let you know if both a student and their parents have decided to change a name or prefer a different name.  However, sometimes it may be a bit more complicated and the student and or family may not be comfortable sharing the information of a name change with everyone. 

We are looking forward to getting some professional training in this area in the months to come. For the moment, we will do our best to keep you in the loop while still protecting both the student’s right to privacy and parental rights. Sometimes this will not allow full disclosure to staff. If you have any questions or feel uncertain about a specific student, please feel free to touch base. Please use legal names in Genesis and other legal documents, unless notified by administration of a change. Thank you in advance for your willingness to be flexible and mindful of students' individual needs

PSAT Schedule for 10/13 
All classes will meet as normal with the exception of Junior level courses. Juniors will take the PSAT in the Cafeteria and the Media Center. Here is the schedule we will use for the day. 10/13 is a Day 1.  I will have the proctoring schedule out later this week. 

Working Wednesday's Schedule for October 
9/29 - No meetings this week
10/6 - DLC Time 
10/13 - WHS Staff Meeting (Crossover Staff - I will talk to MM about where you go)
10/20 - DLC Time 
10/27 - No Meeting 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 9/13/21

Mid-week post but better late then never. Last week and on Monday, Mr. Clancy and I had grade level meetings and one of the areas that we covered was the dress code. It seems to be all everyone wants to talk about. I had a great conversation with a few teachers yesterday about the subject and there will be more conversations to come.  Those conversations will also include students. 
Some of you may think this topic should be very cut and dry but unfortunately it's not. Dress codes in general are under scrutiny around the country because some people see them as discriminatory or sexist. Google it if you don't believe me.  So everyone knows, Mike and I are having conversations with students and parents about this topic, but understand it's a tricky subject right now.  
Don't let this consume you and take away from you staying positive and controlling what you can control. 

Picture Day - Wednesday 9/15
We will be running a Special Bell Schedule. Same as the first day. All staff should have their picture taken for the yearbook.  Pictures will be setup in the gym. 

DLC Time - All department should meet today to discuss 21-22 Department goals for the PDP's. 
The DLC coordinators and I are working on a complete Working Wednesday Schedule and will post next week.  

Thursday 9/16 - No School   

Back to School Night - 9/30/21 
On Thursday I found out that all schools in the district will have their virtual Back to School Nights on Thursday, 9/30. 
Like last year, each teacher will need to create a short video for the website I created to organize the event. Please review the BTSN doc for what I need to be completed by Tuesday, 9/28.  

Delayed Opening Schedule for Monday, 10/11 
PD info to follow

Most advisors were appointed at Monday nights BOE meeting.  We are planning a club fair on Tuesday, 9/21 during the second half of lunch. Please start to think about:
Creating a sign for your table
Asking students to help at your table
Flyer? QR Code with club info

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 9/6/21

We are off and running to start the 21-22 school year! I know we are all adjusting back to full classrooms, longer days, packed hallways but just take it class by class, day by day and remember your purpose/why!

I started to look at your "Change One Thing" requests and will start working on them this week. Thank you for the ideas and feedback. I am looking forward to the process of making these request happen! This will not happen over night, but I will get to every card. 

A few items

No Wednesday meeting this week. I am working on the working Wednesday schedule and will push out this week.

We are holding a 9th Grade Parent Orientation on Thursday 9/9/21 at 6:45pm via Zoom. The teachers that are involved with this already know who they are.
I have a blog post going out to parents today at 11:30am.  9th Grade Parent Orientation

Moe's of Mahwah Teacher Appreciation
Moe’s appreciates the teachers at your school and wants to welcome them back with a BUY ONE GET ONE FREE offer for any menu item (sorry meal kits and catering excluded) starting today through Wednesday, September 15th.

FYI - We are not using QR codes for the bathrooms this year.

Positive Referrals @ WHS
Warrior Pins are available! Please use this form to recognize a student that demonstrated outstanding character and should be recognized for their actions.

Grade Level Meetings
We will hold grade level meetings later this week and next during lunch. Meetings will start at 11:40.  
Grade 9 - Wednesday 9/8
Grade 10 -Thursday 9/9
Grade 11 - Monday 9/13 
Grade 12 - Monday 9/13 during period 8. (1:59 - 2:58pm)  
These meetings will be added to the Calendar 

Picture Day - Wednesday 9/15 
We will be running a Special Bell Schedule. Same as the first day. 
*I know block one is longer then the other classes.  I need to adjust that schedule for the future and balance out the length of periods. 

Duty List 
Right now, the duty list is vague with the exception of locker-room duty, study hall and Media Center.  That is going to change at some point. With Mr. Schultz filling in for the Tech Ed Teacher (Mr. Blatt) he is not available for the sub hall. So, if Donna needs to cover classes over the next few weeks, we will be pulling from the duty list. Until further notice, when you have a duty period please work at a high top table so we have a presence in the hallways. 

Friday, August 27, 2021

Summer Update 21-22 SY

Let's find a way! I hope everyone had a relaxing summer and had a chance to unwind from the last year and a half. As a staff, I will be asking everyone to focus on what you can control and keep it positive.  You know I respect all of you, want the very best for you and will do all I can to make this year as smooth as possible.  Our students need us to help them through these crazy times and there is no better group to make that happen! That's what WarriorNation and #OwnitWHS is all about! See you next week. 

Opening day for staff is Wednesday, September 1! 

The entire district will not be getting together this year to kickoff the school year. There will be a WEA meeting at 11:30 in the MSMPR for HS and MS staff. We will meet as a staff at 9:35 in the Media Center.  Here is the complete Agenda for 9/1/21.
There will be bagels for everyone in the Media Center by 7:45am. 

We have every intention to start this school year off as if we are back to pre COVID-19 life. That does not mean I think COVID is behind us or I am not focused on the the safety of the students and staff.  The plan is full day, in-person instruction with the rotating drop schedule. I will talk about COVID protocols and procedures on Wednesday in greater detail. 

Goals for the 21-22 SY ( I will talk more about these next week)

Focus 9 
Highlights nine essential skills that will prepare our students to be successful in the classroom and beyond. We believe these skills will have a lasting impact and will benefit students in all aspects of life. Website we created for Focus 9

Change One Thing 
I want to give each staff member one request to change something at WHS that drives them crazy. Maybe it something that you have told me in the past that I didn't get to or forgot. It could be something small or big but should be realistic. My goal is to eliminate something that bothers you about WHS. 
During the 9/1 staff meeting, I will be handing out index cards for you to write down your request and then throughout the year I will try to make your wish come true. Please give some thought to this before September 1.

Here is my blog post that went out to students and parents. Welcome Back 21-22 School Year. 

What to expect for the first day with students:

September 2 we will follow a Special Schedule where all classes will meet. The rotation will start on Friday, 9/3, with Day 1.
*Note Wednesday, 9/15, will be another Special Schedule with all classes meeting. We needed to do this for picture day and school bus evacuation drills. The Physical Education Department will take care of both of these things.

The entire school year has been planned out related to the rotation schedule. See link to the calendar for the year: 2021 - 2022 Rotation Schedule

Like last year, we continue to post monthly calendars for staff and parents.  You can find the link on The Answers.

New Staff joining us at WHS
Karly Tyson - Spanish 
Dan Blatt - Technology Education 
We have two student teachers who will be with us for the 21-22 school year. 
Caitlin Ernest - Language Arts 
Danielle Burke - Biology 

The Answers - Your staff manual for everything you need to know related to WHS. Here you can find the ... Master Schedule, Duty List, Agenda for 9/1, Schedule for 9/2, Meeting dates, Emergency drill procedures and much more!

Safe Schools & BOE Policies - Reminder: The courses you need to watch need to be completed by 9/7
Policy Acknowledgment 2021-2022 - Complete by 9/7

Back-to-School Night will be virtual again.

Enjoy the last few days of the summer break and I am looking forward to a great year! #OwnitWHS

Monday, June 14, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 6/14

Last Week!!!

Friday was pretty special! To have kids and staff laughing, cheering and enjoying themselves was great to see. WarriorNation was back!  This year, school spirit and staff moral was at an all time low and I hope Friday was the moment it all started to come back in a positive way.  We all need that back in the 21-22 school year and I am counting on each of you to be part of a positive return in September!  

I have said it all year and will say it again, THANK YOU for finding a way this year. We did it together and came out stronger because of it.  

End of Year Checklist - A list of items to close out the school year. 

We will have staff meeting on Tuesday at 1:45 in the Little Th. Change of date, Wednesday at 1:45. 

Senior BBQ is being moved to Wednesday because of rain on Monday. This year the BBQ will be outside by the Greenberg Center starting at 12:30pm.  All staff is invited to stop by. 

Update on advisor positions
As part of a district initiative, over the summer job descriptions will be created for each of the advisor positions. Once these are finalized the positions will be posted. I am hoping we will be able to appoint staff members at the August BOE meeting. 

AP Teachers (Reminder)
On Tuesday, June 15 and Wednesday, June 16 we will have a materials pickup day(s). 12:30 - 12:45 outside the Little Th. If you would like to speak with your future students you can use those two days or schedule a Google Meet with the entire group after 1:30 any day during the week of June 14.
*Students were informed (Monday 6/14 at 8am) via the Google Classroom I created: AP Information HUB. 

Wednesday and Thursday 
All seniors will be in school for the last time together attending their classes.   There were a few periods where class size was an issue, so for those teachers you have two options.  You can take your class outside or I have assigned you an alternative room. 

Period 1 - Room 145 (JN) can use the Little Th
Period 2 - Room 205 (PL) can use the Little Th
Period 3 - Room 140 (PL) can use the Little Th
Period 6 - Room 143 (DO) can use the Little Th
Period 7 - Room 140 (PL) can use the Little Th
Period 7 - Room 311 (NC) can use room 425
Period 8 - Room 311 (TC) can use the Little Th

Schedule for Friday 
  • Everyone will be working from the building. There will be no afternoon responsibilities. 
  • The Art Wing will be off limits after Thursday afternoon so Grad Ball can decorate.  Teachers that teach in the art wing will need to find a place for their virtual classes.
  • At 1pm, the senior car parade will take place and finish up at the lower lot.  Feel free to stick around for the seniors. 
  • Graduation starts at 7pm. If you are taking part in the ceremony, please be back by 6:30pm and meet in the Media Center so we can organize the line of march.  There will not be a reception prior to the graduation this year. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

WHS News - New Schedule for May 3

New Schedule for next week - A few reminders 

Blog post shared with parents
Bell Schedule (5/3 - 6/18)

May and June Calendars
May 2021 
June, 2021 

Lunch Duty Assignments 
Here is the link to the lunch duty assignments.  There are two tabs:

One is the lunch duty assignments that I created and shared with everyone a few weeks ago.  Do not make any changes to this tab.

The second tab is blank, as suggested in our staff meeting I will let you fill in your name to a duty that you are comfortable with, but all slots need to be filled in in order for this to work. You can use this afternoon and tomorrow to work on it but by Friday morning, I will need to finalize the duty assignments. 

Numbers of students in the building per cohort/grade (These numbers change daily b/c of quarantining):

Grade 9 - Pride Day (40 Students)
Grade 10 Pride Days (33 Students) 
Grade 9 Spirt Days (36 Students)
Grade 10 Spirt Days (45 Students)

Yesterday, the CDC did come out with new guidelines for masks outside, as of right now the plan is for students to still have masks on outside after they eat. Could that change when we get updated NJ Health Department guidelines, yes. It is not something to worry about right now.

I will add to this post if I forgot anything or need to make any changes. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 4/19/21

And down the stretch we go! I hope you enjoyed your Spring Break and found time to rest, relax, get things done or just be lazy. It was your time and it was well needed. As we start back up again, let's remember the article I shared, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teachers" and focus on those habits. We covered 3 habits so far; Find joy in others' success, Cultivate perspective and reframe, Ditch the easy caricature. I'm going to jump to #7 in the article, Maintain Passion and Playfulness. Please read the excerpt I took from the article below. It's timeless to good teaching and more than ever, we all need to be reminded of it.

Habit # 7 - Maintain passion and playfulness.
The Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers
Having fun with your subject and your students will give students permission to engage, even invest, in their learning, and it will elevate your spirits. There's so much stress involved in teaching today's students; moments of true passion and playfulness bring back much-needed humanity.

Save your sanity, then, by incorporating students' names into your test questions and their community culture into their projects. Use props in lessons, take on the manner of a different character from time to time as you teach, and add something startling to two of your lessons this week.

Invite a colleague to burst into your class at a specific time and blurt something related to the lesson then leave quickly as you respond to the commotion with, "That was bizarre, but by good fortune, we can use the information!" Put a mysterious box in the middle of the room with yellow police tape around it and a sign that says, "Warning: Open one week from today, only in the presence of an adult." Activities like these build a sense of wonder and curiosity in students.

Show students you don't take yourself too seriously by daring them to find a mistake in your lessons. Insert random humorous slides into your media and lesson presentations, and embrace non sequiturs from students and yourself. Let students step into your shoes by teaching a portion of a lesson (perhaps using a family-friendly puppet you have on hand). Or have a student emcee a unit review game while you take a seat as a contestant.

Speak with just as much enthusiasm about your topic during 7th period as you did in 1st period—after all, it's your students' first time hearing this lesson. Find ways to turn seemingly boring material into a great romance or heroic drama. Get manipulatives into students' hands, and ask them to build physical models of abstract and intangible things (justice, algebra, metaphor, or genetics).

Ask students to think creatively by ranking a cantaloupe, a beach ball, a suitcase, and a copy of the Magna Carta in order of importance to one of the characters in a book. Or have them compose a dialog between two punctuation marks about who's more important. Make learning fun for yourself and your students whenever you can. I can't control everything that goes on in education, you can't control that either. But what you/I can control is; Your Attitude, Your Effort, Your Behavior and Your Actions. We have overcome so much this year, let's finish with smiles, laughter, memories that our students will take with them for ever.
Free Positive PD
The Power of Positive Summit from John Gordon.  Great speakers, short videos sent to your email each day.  You can watch them on your time, decide which ones apply to you and rewatch any of them until a certain date. 

Testing Meeting (PSAT 10 / SAT)
On Wednesday, 4/21, at 2pm, there will be a testing meeting to review the testing schedule and proctoring responsibilities. Mrs. Gastman and Mr. Hagen will be running the meeting. There is a Meet link on the calendar. It will not be a long meeting.

PSAT 10 and SAT coverage schedule (4/23 & 4/27)
Here is a draft of the schedule. I am only asking grade level teachers and some elective course teachers to cover. 
April PSAT/SAT Coverage (See link in Email)
For each testing day we will run a full virtual day for all students not testing (AM and PM classes). The expectation is that you will be teaching your classes synchronously as though it were a normal day.
4/23 (Spirit B) - 2, 4, 6, 8 PM 3 & 7
4/27 (Pride B) - 2, 4, 6, 8 PM 1 & 5

Celebrate "21" continues on Wednesday, 4/21 
All staff are welcome to stop by the turf on Wednesday at 5:45am, yes 5:45am for a Sunrise with the seniors. Bagels will be served.  

My Spring Break 
I kept myself busy with getting a few things done around the house and decided to Pay it Forward with thanking people that believed in me, before I believed in myself.  I finished three posts, but there will be more to come.  If you are interested in reading them you can find them here:  https://carrollkc.medium.com/

WHS Principal's Blog 

Monday, March 29, 2021

Staff News - Week of 3/28/21

The start of the 4th marking period! I'm not sure where the year went.  

Please take time this week to reach out to parents for any of your students that are struggling or have lost focus.  The counselors, CST, Mr. Clancy and I have been reaching out to students that needed a reminder about the importance of school and the hole they have dug themselves.  Unfortunately, we will have students failing classes and even a few retentions.  Everyone this year has gone above and beyond for their students.  Some students choose to do nothing, for which there will be consequences.

Habit # 3 - Ditch the easy Caricature
The Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers

Spend some time to start the 4th marking period getting to know your students even deeper than you already think you do. Make connections, make sure students know you care. 

Ask them some of the following questions:
What do they love to do outside of school?
What brings joy to their life?
What's one thing they wish you knew about them? 
What are their goals after high school?

When a student becomes more to us than the class clown, mean girl, drama queen, geek, or jock, it is easier to remember that each student matters and is worth our time. They are not just one more paper to grade. We think of them specifically as we plan our lessons, and we look forward to watching them progress. Time in their company is time well spent.

Referendum Updates 
Town Hall Meeting tonight at 7pm.  See link for all the details. 
Here are all the social media posts related to the Referendum

Leadership Opportunity (Please mention this to your female students)

Junior Achievement's Women's Future Leadership Academy is a free weekly virtual series open to all NJ high school students. Students register themselves for as many sessions as they like. Info is attached or visit janjacademy.org

Weekly topics build confidence, financial acumen, and employability skills through JA's curriculum.  Guest speakers are from NJ businesses and industries.
Sessions held Tuesdays from 2-3pm beginning March 30.
Provides a high quality extracurricular activity students can include in their college applications or resumes.
Students who attend five or more sessions and submit a final project receive JA's Certificate of Leadership.
Schedule: (PDF of all sessions)
March 30: Becoming a Leader (celebrating Women's History Month)
April 6: Executive Career Panel featuring women leaders from BMS, Janssen, ADP, Commvault, and AIG
April 13: Goal Setting for Success
April 20: Networking with Confidence
April 27: Financial Empowerment / Special Session with CNBC
May 4: Ace the Interview
May 11: Women in STEM
May 13: Special Session with Johnson & Johnson
May 18: Collaboration and Design Thinking
Plus optional weekly Friday reflection sessions led by JANJ Intern from Princeton University

Recent WHS Principal's Blog Post 

Monday, March 22, 2021

WHS News - Week of 3/22/21

Happy Spring! I hope everyone had a great weekend and was able to enjoy the sunshine.  I was at a soccer tournament all weekend and got some sun. I now have a "Mask" face tan.  lol Something all of us will need to deal with moving forward. 

I saw the quote above on Twitter last week and though it connected with habit #2.  The struggle is real for some of your students. Keep that in mind as we finish up the marking period and you think about Habit #2.  

Habit #2 - Cultivate Perspective and Reframe (Weeks of 3/15 & 3/22)
From the Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers

Phase 2
Next week we start Phase 2.  Please familiarize yourself with the schedule and remind your students about the switch.  

Blog Post regarding - Return to School Plan - Phase 2 

The two major changes are cohort days for Pride and Spirit and the periods rotating 1,3,5,7 and 2,4,6,8 every other day. 

Pride students will report for in-school learning every week on Monday and Tuesday. Every other week they will also report on Wednesday. This would begin on April 7th.

Spirit students will report for in-school learning every week on Thursday and Friday. Every other week they will also report on Wednesday. This will begin on April 21st.

Next week will feel like September all over again, but we will get through it. I will be sending daily Remind messages (which I do every day) with the bell schedule and which cohort should be in.  Also, remember that the first week is a four day week, no school on Friday! 

Senior Portraits - Class of 2022
This is going on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week in the Greenberg Center.  The appointment schedule is posted on Google Calendar.

Master Schedule for 21-22 School Year 
We have begun working on the schedule for next year.  Nothing is finalized yet, we are looking at numbers, sections and trying to make it work.  This week we will be posting on Genesis the student recommendations for their academic courses.  

Positive Referrals are always welcome. I have been giving out Ownit pins and cards over the past two week.  The students love getting them.  Thank you to those who submitted referrals. 

End of Year Items 
Next week we start End-of-Year meetings for the non-tenured staff.  Please make sure you have your PD hours updated and PDP plan is complete.  This is a good reminder to all staff to think about your PDP and make sure you are on task to complete it and your PD hours are up-to-date. 

Monday, March 15, 2021

WHS News - Week of 3/15/21

Strive to be Mr. Jensen!!!


 Habit # 2 - Cultivate Perspective and Reframe (Weeks of 3/15 & 3/22)
From the Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers 

Think about whether it's better to be right or to be kind in our interactions with students and colleagues. Sometimes our students need a win more than they need a correction, so we might be kind today and right tomorrow. Perspective provides hope where there is little and it helps us commit to the long haul. Teachers who have seen formerly frustrating students come back to visit as successful adults trust in the whole enterprise of schooling and growing up. Setbacks are momentary flashes of concern, not dictates of a locked-in future.

Don't forget about Habit #1, Find the Joy in others success! 

Wednesday, March 17 - All staff can work virtually (Happy St. Patrick's Day)

Update on student's returning 
As of this morning we have close to 100 students returning for the 4th marking period. 

PSAT and SAT coverage schedule (4/23 & 4/27)
Here is a draft of the schedule.  I am only using grade level teachers and some elective courses to cover.  April PSAT/SAT Coverage (Draft)
For each testing day we will run a full virtual day for all students not testing (AM and PM classes). The expectation is that you will be teaching your classes synchronously as though it were a normal day.
4/23 (Spirit B) - 2, 4, 6, 8 PM 3 & 7
4/27 (Pride B) - 2, 4, 6, 8 PM 1 & 5

Referendum Social Media Posts - All social media posted related to the referendum can be found here.

Mental Health
Andrea Hused has been working with a some of our alumni regarding mental health support that we have been doing in our senior health classes.  One of the groups, PAT (People are There) put together an amazing Bio sheet for some of their members.  I share this because it was pretty cool reading about them and what they are doing now. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

WHS News - Week of 3/8/21

I hope you found time to read The Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers by Rick Wormele.  We are heading into week two of focusing on Finding Joy in Others

In addition to the suggestions listed below, please consider nominating a student or two for a positive referral.  I will make sure they get a Warrior Ownit pin. 

WHS Positive Referral

Finding Joy in Others (3/1 - 3/12) (Some examples/ideas)
Send a friend or colleague a positive note/text
Make a positive call/email home
Write a positive note to a student
Celebrate individual student success, in the classroom or on Meet call
Reach out to a student that has been struggling, not participating, change in behavior
Spend five minutes talking to someone about how they're doing (Give your time)
Bake for a friend
Positive words of encouragement
PD Schedule for Thursday, 3/11
Dr. Elias will be posting the schedule either Monday or Tuesday.
All staff will have the option to work from home.

Schedule for 4/23 (PSAT 10) and 4/27 (SAT)
For planning purposes ... for each testing day we will run a full virtual day for all students not testing (AM and PM classes). The expectation is you will be teaching your classes synchronously like normal.
4/23 (Sprit B) - 2, 4, 6, 8 PM 3 & 7
4/27 (Pride B) - 2, 4, 6, 8 PM 1 & 5
I will post the draft proctoring schedule next week.  I am only asking grade level teachers of the students who are testing and elective classes as necessary.

Referendum Update 
The referendum is moving forward with an April 20th vote. Information is being shared via social media.  For those not on social media, I will be adding all posts onto the WHS Principal's blog - Referendum Page. There is also a site created just for the referendum - Stronger Schools for Waldwick

Monday, March 1, 2021

WHS Staff News - Week of 3/1/21

Happy March! With the exception of the rain, the weather seems to be turning springlike! Let's hope it stays. 

Schedule for Thursday, March 11 (PD Day)
Wednesday, March 17 - Staff can work from home  

Schedule Change for 4th MP 
Communication with parents/students related to the 4th marking period schedule change will be sent out tonight. Here is what will be sent:

Over the weekend I was at a soccer tournament and in between games I was scrolling through Twitter. No surprise there. I came across a tweet with an article written back in October of 2015, The Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers by Rick Wormele.

What could an article from October, 2015 have to do with education today? Things change so quickly in our world, that this can’t be relevant. As I read it three times in the car, I felt this article needs to be our focus for the rest of the year. Why? Why more work? Why something new to think about?

The why is easy, SELF-Renewal and a positive mindset!

This year has been hard for all of us. I have watched school moral and school spirit disappear. At times I feel like relationships have been affected because of COVID related decisions that were made in the best interest of all.

All of this happened to no fault of anyone. Priorities shifted to safety and health, new protocols and just finding a way to get through each day.

This article talks about The Seven Habits of Highly Affective Teachers (Before COVID was a thing)
  1. Finding Joy in Others
  2. Cultivate Perspective and Reframe
  3. Ditch the Easy Caricature
  4. Explore the Ethics of Teaching
  5. Embrace Humility
  6. Value Intellect
  7. Maintain Passion and Playfulness
Over the next fourteen weeks I would like to focus on these habits as a staff. The idea is, we will focus on one habit for a two week span and then move on to another. Hopefully establishing a new positive habit that enhances us as educators.
Week 1 (3/1 - 3/12) Finding Joy in Others (Some examples/ideas) 
Send a friend or colleague a positive note/text
Make a positive call/email home
Write a positive note to a student
Celebrate individual student success, in the classroom or on Meet call
Reach out to a student that has been struggling, not participating, change in behavior
Spend five minutes talking to someone about how they're doing (Give your time)
Bake for a friend 
Positive words of encouragement
The secret to happiness is helping others ...
There is a Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” For centuries, the greatest thinkers have suggested the same thing: Happiness is found in helping others.